A member containing the attribute isAggregate with a value of true must also specify the aggregation type
reference to attribute member keys by attribute dimensions WARNING: in contrast to a DataPoint's address this address-like attributes object must not reference an attribute member key of each attribute dimension because:
Defines, whether the value of a data point containing the member represents an aggregation. Members are aggregate members when the value of data points assigned to them summarizes other members OF THE OWN DIMENSION (Therefore leafs of explicit hierarchies must not be aggregates). Member nodes of explicit hierarchies don't necessarily have to be an aggregate one, but in most scenarios they are. Since hierarchies are mathematically defined as being transitive, all child levels of an aggregate (sub) tree root must define an aggregate, too.
used to define a forest; mandatory for explicit hierarchy members except for root ones
Members (e.g. April) get referenced by data points to build a unique address of member-dimension relations