addressSubset: {}
Type declaration
[dimKey: string]: Member["key"][]
Optional axisScenarioId
axisScenarioId: undefined | string
Optional badColor
badColor: undefined | string
Optional comparisonGroup
comparisonGroup: undefined | string
Optional description
description: undefined | string
Optional goodColor
goodColor: undefined | string
Optional negativeOutlierThreshold
negativeOutlierThreshold: undefined | number
Optional negativeValueIsGood
negativeValueIsGood: undefined | false | true
Optional positiveOutlierThreshold
positiveOutlierThreshold: undefined | number
Optional relationId
relationId: undefined | string
Optional scenarioId
scenarioId: undefined | string
Optional showLabels
showLabels: undefined | false | true
Optional useOutlierThreshold
useOutlierThreshold: undefined | false | true
Optional useSpecificBadColor
useSpecificBadColor: undefined | false | true
Optional useSpecificGoodColor
useSpecificGoodColor: undefined | false | true
A DataSelection that configures matching cells to be of type BAR_CHART. Also defines some cell model properties which will be assigned to Bar Chart Cells created from a BarChartSelection.